Here is the latest in our 12 Months of Pretty Kitchen Towels series - November Edition: Vintage Elegance.

In this design, Vintage Lace Trim is incorporated into the unbleached muslin dish towel. A pretty chocolate brown ribbon, a blue ruffle, and gold embroidery leaves and the month "NOVEMBER" create a warm feeling of vintage elegance.

See the May Edition: Ribbons and Ruffles Dish Towel Tutorial for full instructions on creating your own basic dish towels from muslin fabric.
To add the lace and ribbon together, simply press a straight line across your dish towel, pin together, and sew as shown in the photo above.
The embroidery on the ribbon was done by machine. I think it would be lovely as simple hand embroidery work, too.

The blue ruffle in this towel matches the valance posted in the Kitchen Curtains and Valance Tutorial.

I love it! I read the curtain tutorial too. I have some vintage lace I didn't know what to do with. Now I think I see a project in my near future!