
Thursday, November 14, 2013

The 52 Week Money Saving Challenge - Week #46

 Welcome to Week #46 of The 52 Week Money Saving Challenge.  This week we save forty-six dollars.  Our total saved to date is one thousand eighty-one dollars.  

Speaking of savings, have you ever visited the Feed the Pig savings website? It is a free, non-profit site run by a national association of accounting professionals dedicated to helping us learn to plan ahead and save our hard-earned cash.  Lots of great tips and tools on the site.  I really like it!

Only six weeks left in our Challenge year and the countdown continues!   
If you are new to the challenge, welcome aboard!  Jump in and save the weekly amounts with us. You'll have three hundred and fifty dollars saved by the end of this year.  Alternatively, you can begin this week as your Week #1.  Save one dollar this week, two dollars next week, etc.  Whichever works best for you is great.

Whether you're starting now or you've been saving with us from the beginning, please let me hear from you. I'd like some feedback about your own experience with The 52 Week Money Saving Challenge.  What do you like about the challenge? What worked best for you?  What advice would you give others?  Any ideas for improvements?  How has it helped you? What have you learned? The Suggestion Box is open.  I look forward to hearing from you.
Happy saving!


  1. wait, if you'll only have 300-something saved by the end of the year, how do you already have over a thousand saved to date?

    1. Hi Lydia,

      Great question. Check out the comment below yours. April beat me to the answer. Let me explain:

      We started in January and saved one dollar for Week #1. During the second week of January (Week #2) we saved two dollars. The third week we saved three dollars and the fourth week we saved four dollars. By the end of four weeks we had ten bucks. (1+2+3+4=10). Everyone who saved the full amount each week throughout the entire year had accumulated a total savings of $1,081.00 by the end of Week #46 when this was posted.

      Since it would be pretty hard for most folks to catch up with us by saving $1,081.00 this week and then the weekly amounts thereafter, I wanted to let people new to the Challenge know that they could still participate and have some significant savings by year end.

      More importantly, it will get them in the swing of putting a certain amount per week back into savings. It's a great way to develop a habit of savings, no matter when you start.

      Have a great weekend.



  2. If the person just started the challenge the week this was posted and finished out the rest of the challenge saving the weekly amounts posted from this point on, they would save $350 by the end of the year. :) If you started 46 weeks ago, you would have already saved the 1000+.


Your comments are important. Thanks for your input!