
Friday, October 19, 2012

Big Tex Burns - Texas State Fair Landmark Gone Forever

It is a sad day for fans of Big Tex, the Texas-sized talking cowboy statue that greeted patrons on the Texas State Fair Midway for decades.  How could they possibly replace this beloved TSF icon?

I grew up in Dallas and attended public schools there.  Every year students got a free pass to the fair and even a special school holiday so we could attend during the week.  We always looked forward to seeing Big Tex on the midway talking to everyone, welcoming them to the fair.  This is a sad day.

However, the photo is incredible.  It is less than two weeks before Halloween. The frightening, fiery image looks like it belongs in a State Fair Halloween movie.


  1. "Oh, look! There's a gigantic automaton on fire! Let's stand here and take pictures!" I hope these were all tourists...
    Also, I'd bet they rebuild him, they've been dying for an excuse to modernize the statue anyway. Dickie's will have a field day with this.


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